Using the LM Year Planner
> 1 hour

How to use the tool?
Our unique, customisable planner is filled with features that help students take control of - and track - their learning over the course of an entire year. Students can start using it at any time in the year.
Student experience
"It is really nice to have a planner that is designed for University students specifically and that not only helps me be organised but also reflect on the things I want to plan for"

It is important to not only focus on the daily or weekly to do’s, but to give yourself a longer time horizon to explore and develop your goals and priorities and track your progress.
What to Do?
Direct students to either the digital or Print-on-Demand version of our LM Make This My Year planner (available soon on this page). This planner includes the following features:
Fully customisable monthly/weekly calendars
Start of the year reflection exercises and end of the year review
Monthly/weekly goal setting with trackers for habits, wins, and losses
Course reflection spaces
A deadline planner
Weekly reflection prompts and exercises to help students learn autonomously
You can also contact us to help you design a customised version just for your program, like we have done for Leiden University College.
For the academic years '23-'24 and '24-'25 we have collaborated with Leiden University College (LUC) in the Netherlands to create a customised version of the LM Planner.
This included all the normal planner features along with the LUC-specific academic calendar with pre-filled dates, important information, and holidays.
You can download the PDF of the LUC planner below, in landscape and portrait formats. Students can:
Use the full digital version on tablet or computer
Print the planner themselves for pen-and-paper use
Use our Print-On-Demand option (under development) or
Select certain pages, such as the deadline planners, and use those when needed (printed or digitally).